CG数据库 >> 3DS MAX阿诺德渲染器使用教程(英文字幕) Lynda

3DS MAX阿诺德渲染器使用教程(英文字幕) Lynda – 3ds Max Rendering with Arnold 2019讲解3DS MAX阿诺德渲染器的核心内容,包括灯光、材质、渲染部分,比如基础的灯光设置、室内灯光、自然天光等,自定义模型材质,摄像机渲染设置This course is an overview of the core Arnold features for lighting, materials, and rendering in 3ds Max.

Instructor Aaron F.

Ross shows how to adjust render settings and object properties, add image-based and studio lighting, simulate natural daylight, customize and apply materials, and build a shading network.

Finally, learn how to apply a variety of camera and rendering tools such as displacement, subdivision, and panoramas to get exactly the look you want.

发布日期: 2019-11-29