CG数据库 >> SP 2019新手入门基础教程(英文字幕) Lynda

SP 2019新手入门基础教程(英文字幕) Lynda – Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training用一个实例教程来讲解Substance Painter 2019全面使用方法,包括模型的导入、烘焙系统、图层材质的制作、笔刷工具的使用、对称模板克隆命令、场景的渲染和导出等In this course, Wes McDermott takes a beginner’s look at Substance Painter 2019, walking you through a basic project—texturing a real-world game asset from start to finish.

He starts with creating a new project, importing the model, and using the integrated baking system.

Next, Wes shows how to work with materials and layers and provides a primer on procedurals, the brush toolset, and time savers like symmetry, stencils, and cloning.

Plus, learn how to use layer effects to create realistic wear.

Wes wraps up by showing you how to create portfolio renders using Iray, the integrated path-tracing renderer in Substance Painter, and export textures for use in other applications.

发布日期: 2019-12-6