CG数据库 >> C4D Octane渲染合成教程(西班牙语) Domestika

C4D Octane渲染合成教程(西班牙语) Domestika – Compositions with Cinema 4D and Octane Render以一些实例场景来讲解C4D Octane渲染器的渲染合成整个流程,涉及到角色的设计、场景渲染设置等,教程是西班牙语,没有字幕You will begin the preparation phase of your project by reviewing some examples and pieces to analyze them, you will choose some of them and you will create a mood board , where you will define a color palette.

You will also determine the design of your characters, making basic sketches to shape them in Cinema 4D.

发布日期: 2019-12-16