CG数据库 >> C4D快速展UV插件 FD UVToolkit 1.0 For Cinema 4D R19-R21

C4D快速展UV插件 FD UVToolkit 1.0 For Cinema 4D R19-R21只需要简单的三步,就可以完成模型展UV的过程Instead of going through in a lot of settings to unwrap an object, with FD UVToolkit you just need three simple steps to unwrap it:Select the object and press “Reset UVW Tag” button.

Select the edges you want the seams to be.

Click “Unwrap UV with LCSM”.

安装步骤:将FD UVToolkit 1.0文件夹拷贝到C4D安装目录的plugins即可支持的版本:C4D R19/R20/R21,低版本应该也是支持的

发布日期: 2020-3-28