CG数据库 >> 夜店聚会玻璃杯酒瓶装饰3D模型 Evermotion

夜店聚会玻璃杯酒瓶装饰3D模型 Evermotion – Archmodels Vol.195 (3DS MAX格式)Archmodels vol. 195包含32个高精度玻璃杯、酒瓶、夜店聚会沙发等3D模型,包含贴图材质,3DS MAX格式,Vray渲染器Archmodels vol.

195 includes 32 professional, highly detailed 3d sets of models for architectural visualizations.

This collection comes with 32 sets of party gadgets and furniture.

You will find here wine and champaign bottles, drinks, club furniture, baloons, party hats and props and more.


发布日期: 2020-4-4