CG数据库 >> 薯条番茄酱广告动画C4D教程 Skillshare

薯条番茄酱广告动画C4D教程 Skillshare – Creating Realistic French Fries in Cinema 4D & Octane主要讲解照片级别商业广告渲染教程,以番茄酱薯条动画为例,讲解Octane渲染器的灯光渲染In this Class you’ll learn the essential skills to create some realistic food photography-looking 3d renders.

Specifically, we’ll be learning how to toss up some nice crispy french fries and ketchup.

This really opens the doors to people looking for new ways to explore there 3D library.

发布日期: 2020-4-6