CG数据库 >> Maya Vray渲染器深度高级教程 FXPHD

Maya Vray渲染器深度高级教程 FXPHD – VRY203 – Look Development With V-Ray Next深度讲解Maya Vray渲染器的使用方法,包括各种着色器效果、材质灯光、室内摄影棚环境、导出AOVs到Nuke中进行后期合成等商业流程This course, taught by Amid Rajabi, covers the look development process for a realistic car using V-Ray Next for Maya, the latest version of V-Ray from the Chaos Group.

It covers the software’s powerful shaders by doing intensive studio lighting and then exporting AOVs and compositing the elements in Nuke.

发布日期: 2020-5-4