CG数据库 >> 三维场景捕捉模拟渲染教程 FXPHD

三维场景捕捉模拟渲染教程 FXPHD – ENV260 – Photgrammetry Using RealityCapture先在RealityCapture中,利用一张图片,模拟捕捉出真实的三维场景效果,然后导入到Maya中,进行模型制作,展UV,阿诺德渲染等This course, from CG supervisor Charles Chorein, dives into RealityCapture and the photogrammetry process with photos taken with a camera, helicopter and drone shots.

At the end of the course you will be able to create a mesh, UV’s, UDIMs, and texture and render in Maya/Arnold.

发布日期: 2020-5-11