CG数据库 >> 城市街道环境合成特效AE教程 FXPHD

城市街道环境合成特效AE教程 FXPHD – AFX229 – City Enviroment Compositing in AE Part 2第二部分主要包括场景杂物的去除、3D元素的合成、元素跟踪处理等In the course, tasks include clean-up, 3D compositing, and problem solving.

Kirill will guide you through finishing this shot after the 3D is rendered, starting with a walkthrough, cleaning up the scene, and final compositing the 3D signs.

Various clean-up techniques are covered in order to prepare the clean plate for the compositing.

Kirill shares several 3D multi-pass compositing methods to integrate the signboards of the shops on the street wall.

发布日期: 2020-5-14