Fusion达芬奇视频桥接教程 FXPHD – RSV110 – Introduction to Fusion in Resolve从基础的Fusion制作三维文字标题动画,到实拍场景的跟踪合成,然后桥接到Resolve中机进行剪辑调色等During this course comprised of eleven classes, Graham Davidson will show you how to carry out a broad range of day to day effects-related tasks in Resolve.
The nearly seven hours of training covers everything from the basics of navigating the interface to making 3D titles move along an animated path or turn into rising steam.
It will take you through the tracking and keying options as well as demonstrate how to create convincing timelapse clouds and moving water from still photographs using displacement and the Grid Warp Tool.
发布日期: 2020-5-16