老鹰实拍场景合成特效AE教程 FXPHD – AFX230 – Compositing in After Effects – Eagle Flight Project实拍的鹰和实拍绿幕视频合成的教程,包括场景的抠像、绿幕合成的方法,镜头的调节等This After Effects course, taught by Kirill Pleshakov, focuses on the compositing of a bird filmed on green screen into an aerial shot.
The After Effects compositing process covers the correction of the eagle source footage in order to make it useful for gradual animation of the bird as if it was shot on a drone.
Before jumping into After Effects to composite the eagle, Pleshakov breaks down his work done in Nuke and 3ds Max on the background of the shot.
发布日期: 2020-5-16