CG数据库 >> 三维人物角色运动Maya动画教程 FXPHD

三维人物角色运动Maya动画教程 FXPHD – ANI201 – Body Mechanics And Shot Building Fundamentals Part 1讲解在Maya中制作三维人物的各种动画效果,主要是运动规律的讲解和应用This course, taught by Toby Winder, is the first part of an extensive two-part offering.

First, it focuses on improving your grasp of body mechanics and furthering their grasp of animation principles that were covered in ANI104.

Next, planning begins for animating a short sequence of three shots.

The sequence provides the opportunity to show what it is like to work on animation in a more realistic studio environment.

This courses includes a further look at animating cycles and how to integrate them into a shot.

发布日期: 2020-5-17