建筑雕花浮雕贴图笔刷预设模型 Artstation – Ornament Trim Brush and 3D Models + 6 Video Tutorials-VOL 02包含50个浮雕3D模型,可以用于任何3D软件,比如3dmax,maya,blender,C4D等,另外包含ZBP/OBJ/PNG/PSD/TIF等格式,包含视频教程This Product include 50 Ornament Trim Brushs for Zbrush and 50 3dmodels for use any 3d software ( 3dmax,maya,blender,C4D , … )I’ve made two previews example for all brushs here and made two previews for 3dmodels and showed Trim Point in previews too.
发布日期: 2020-5-22