CG数据库 >> 21组高精度PBR材质球模型预设 Evermotion

21组高精度PBR材质球模型预设 Evermotion – Archmaterials Vol.2 (3DS MAX格式)Archmaterials Vol.2包含21个PBR真实材质预设3D模型, 部分包含SBSAR格式,都包含贴图材质,3DS MAX格式,Vray渲染器Soil– procedural texture set with 4096×4096 resolution.

SBSAR file included.

Desert Rock– procedural texture set with 4096×4096 resolution.

SBSAR file included.

Sorbus aucuparia bark– procedural texture set with 2048×8192 resolution.

Oak bark– procedural texture set with 4096×8192 resolution.

Palm bark 01– procedural texture set with 2048×8192 resolution.

Palm bark 02– procedural texture set with 2048×8192 resolution.

Palm bark 03– procedural texture set with 2048×8192 resolution.

Palm bark 04– procedural texture set with 2048×8192 resolution.

Palm bark 05– procedural texture set with 2048×8192 resolution.

Palm bark 06– procedural texture set with 2048×8192 resolution.

Gledicja bark– procedural texture set with 2048×8192 resolution.

Gravel– procedural texture set with 4096×4096 resolution.

SBSAR file included.

Honey lust bark– procedural texture set with 2048×8192 resolution.

Ulmus bark– procedural texture set with 2048×8192 resolution.

Tilia bark– procedural texture set with 2048×8192 resolution.

Sorbus bark– scanned texture set with 8192×16384 resolution.

Forest Cobblestone– scanned texture set with 8192×8192 resolution.

Rock– procedural texture set with 4096×4096 resolution.

SBSAR file included.

Swamp– procedural texture set with 4096×4096 resolution.

SBSAR file included.

Mossy roots– procedural texture set with 4096×4096 resolution.

SBSAR file included.

Cobblestone– procedural texture set with 4096×4096 resolution.

SBSAR file included.


发布日期: 2020-6-10