CG数据库 >> AE循环动画MG教程(英文字幕) Motion Design School

AE循环动画MG教程(英文字幕) Motion Design School – Animated Loops with James Curran4个小时的视频教程,讲解AE中制作简单循环场景MG动画的整个步骤,包括图形层动画流畅度的控制、关键帧的使用等From fundamental loop theory through to inspiration on how to generate your own loop ideas, you’ll come out of this course fully prepared to start taking on the world with your own never-ending animations.

Whether you’re an experienced animator or an illustrator looking to spice up your portfolio with some motion, you can quickly learn how to create seamlessly infinite animations perfect for posting on social media.

发布日期: 2020-7-29