图片智能蜕化插件 Topaz Sharpen AI v3.2.2 Win/Mac破解版Sharpen AI可以对模糊图片做锐化处理,变得更加清晰,添加更多细节Create tack-sharp images with no artifacts or halos.
Sharpen AI is the first sharpening and shake reduction software that can tell the difference between real detail and noise.
Create tack-sharp images even when you’re shooting handheld, at night, or with a shallow depth of field.
安装步骤:Win:安装TopazSharpenAI-3.2.2-windows-x64-Full-Installer.exe打开Topaz Sharpen AI,随意注册一个账号登陆,选择试用,然后退出运行Topaz Sharpen AI.reg,合并防火墙阻止Topaz Sharpen AI联网,不要更新hosts里添加127.0.0.1 topazlabs.com127.0.0.1 et.topazlabs.com127.0.0.1断网,安装软件,安装好了之后不要运行安装之后会提示Error running curl,没关系不影响的运行注册机Topaz Whammy,选择对应的软件即可完成破解Win版本点击下载
发布日期: 2021-10-3