CG数据库 >> 厨房餐具瓷器罐子盒子置物架3D模型 Evermotion

厨房餐具瓷器罐子盒子置物架3D模型 Evermotion – Archmodels Vol.231 (3DS MAX格式)Archmodels vol. 231包含32个高精度厨房3D模型,比如各种餐具、瓷器、盘子、罐子、盒子、置物架等等,3DS MAX格式,Vray+Corona渲染器,包含贴图Archmodels vol.

231 gives you 32 professional, highly detailed objects for architectural visualizations.

This collection includes over 100 models separated into 32 sets that will fit any kitchen interior – both modern and vintage.

You will find here kitchen props like cuttlery, porcelain, jars, boxes, etc.

All objects are ready to use in your visualizations.


发布日期: 2020-8-8