Nuke视频特效调色灯光教程 Udemy – FX Color Grading and Re-Lighting in Nuke – NK404主要讲解Nuke中特效合成和调色技巧,比如白天转换成夜晚效果、场景灯光重新调节、深度调色技巧等Learn a variety of advanced VFX Compositing and Color Grading Techniques in Nuke.
Advanced Color Grading TechniquesDay to Night Tips and TechniquesFundamentals of Light and PhysicsImage Frequency Separation and UsesAdvanced Color Remap TechniquesCreating Depth Passes from 2d ImagesUsing a Raytracer to force perspectiveCreating animated elements from 2d imageryLayering and Integrating 2d ElementsUnderstanding the basics of Color Schemes and Color BalanceLearn to study, observe, and identify patterns from image referenceBounce light techniquesStacking Highlights and Keyers3d / 2.5d Re-Light TricksLining up and model-building a scenePainting Light TechniquesUsing alternative (hidden) merge operationsBuilding atmosphere elements and casting light through it2d/3d Techniques to create reflections
发布日期: 2020-9-22