CG数据库 >> 自定义发光辉光PS插件 Oniric Glow Generator for Photoshop CC Win/Mac

自定义发光辉光PS插件 Oniric Glow Generator for Photoshop CC Win/MacOniric Glow Generator可以在PS中对图片只能分析做辉光效果,也可以通过笔刷的形式绘制需要发光的位置,自定义发光的强度、位置、颜色等都多种功能Generate bloom effect is one of the two core features of Oniric.

It uses the inverse square law same as real light falloff does to create very smooth light transitions.

Combined with our algorithms it works amazing with the “colorize” feature.

Whe you hit the “apply” button, Oniric renders the bloom in 16bit so you don’t have to worry about banding.

支持的软件版本:Photoshop CC或者更高版本,Win/Mac

发布日期: 2020-9-24