CG数据库 >> PS摄影后期基础教程(英文字幕) Lynda – Photoshop 2021 Essential Training: Photography

PS摄影后期基础教程(英文字幕) Lynda – Photoshop 2021 Essential Training: Photography不论是专业的摄影师还是想要简单处理照片的人,PS都是会用到的软件,讲解PS的图片调色功能,包括智能图层、各种调色技巧和工具的使用、调色的基本要求和技巧等Whether you’re a professional photographer or just someone who wants to improve your image-making skills, this course can help you take your images to the next level and get the results that you want using Photoshop 2021.

Julieanne Kost brings you up to speed with Photoshop, showing you how to make tonal and color adjustments using adjustment layers and Smart Objects.

She shares how to create both realistic and surreal composites, retouch distracting elements from images, and increase productivity when working with templates.

Plus, discover how to enhance color and tone both globally and locally, use libraries to store content, work with Artboards, export and share images, and more.

发布日期: 2020-10-29