CG数据库 >> 视频电影调色转码打包软件 FilmLight Daylight v5.2.13856 MAC/Linux破解版

视频电影调色转码打包软件 FilmLight Daylight v5.2.13856 MAC/Linux破解版Daylight是一个MAC平台的调色软件,可以整体和局部色彩调节,转码打包等多种功能Daylight is a powerful dailies platform for shot management and high-performance transcoding.

It is designed as a compact yet powerful grading decision tool to help DoPs and directors establish looks and visualise what they have shot, on set or on location, as well as meeting all of the sophisticated deliverables requirementsin one application.

破解步骤:Mac版本:安装软件运行Daylight,然后选择Activate with Licence File打开Keygen.dmg,运行注册机,点击Generate生成许可文件在注册窗口选择许可文件,点击Activate完成激活Linux版本:安装软件运行Daylight. ,会提示需要激活,记下system ID然后退出运行注册机Keygen,输入system ID,点击Generate生成许可文件拷贝许可文件到/usr/fl/etcMAC版本点击下载

发布日期: 2020-11-1