CG数据库 >> 3DS MAX地多边形城市建筑模型预设脚本 Low Poly City Builder 1.2

3DS MAX地多边形城市建筑模型预设脚本 Low Poly City Builder 1.2Low Poly City Builder 包含大量各种风格的地多边形城市楼房建筑,支持到3DS MAX 2021LPCB It’s a big package composed of small packages that IVN Company has modeled in several years, the company have extended the idea of creating any visual representation of a city, building or city block with 3 main product tools

安装步骤:拷贝CityBuilderPlugin、UI、UI_ln三个文件max默认安装位置为C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2020复制scenes文件夹至以下目录2.1先复制以下链接%USERPROFILE%\Documents\3ds Max 2020\,到文件夹的地址栏,回车即可直达(不是右边的搜索栏)2.2再复制scenes文件夹过去复制LowPolyCityBuilder文件夹至3DS MAX的根目录打开3dmax ,菜单scripting—-run script———max安装目录下的scripts—CityBuilderPlugin—CityBuilder-Installer.ms解压后11G

说明:要求Vray 5.00.05或者更高版本3DS MAX Vray渲染器正式破解版 V-Ray v5.00.05 for 3ds Max 2016 – 2021 + 官方材质预设库

发布日期: 2020-11-19