CG数据库 >> World Creator全面介绍入门教程 Gumroad – Introduction To World Creator by Travis Davids

World Creator全面介绍入门教程 Gumroad – Introduction To World Creator by Travis Davids近2个小时的视频教程,讲解World Creator的多个案例使用来掌握软件的基本使用方法,比如各种地形的制作、控制、变化,贴图的制作,导入其他三维软件等I’ve included a full introduction to World Creator detailing all of the useful tools and features that I use in my workflow.

I cover everything in real time from start to finish.

At the end you will learn how to create terrain and landscapes effortlessly with so much variation, control and speed.

You’ll also learn how to texture terrain, export it and use it with any 3D program.

发布日期: 2020-11-19