图片增加胶片噪点效果PS插件 Imagenomic Realgrain 2.1.2 Build 2122 For Photoshop CC 2015-2021 Win/Mac破解版Realgrain可以在PS中给图片添加胶片噪点效果、制作黑白质感等,支持PS CC 2015.5或者更高版本If you are looking for a superior black-and-white conversion, toning and color effects or long for the darkroom age to achieve the soft, warm graininess of film, then Realgrain is the plugin for you.
安装步骤:Win版本:安装RealgrainPlugin2122.exe拷贝Realgrain64.8bf到C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\CC\ImagenomicMac版本:直接安装即可,已经是破解版Win版本点击下载
发布日期: 2020-11-25