CG数据库 >> C4D流体插件TFD基础全面教程 Lynda – TurbulenceFD for CINEMA 4D Essential Training

C4D流体插件TFD基础全面教程 Lynda – TurbulenceFD for CINEMA 4D Essential TrainingC4D流体插件TurbulenceFD可以轻松制作模拟烟雾火焰爆炸效果,开始接受插件的容器,发射器和渲染等,然后深度讲解TFD的力学,通道,发射器选项等知识Having the skills to create believable smoke and fire is crucial for any aspiring VFX artist.

In this course Ben Watts shows how to use TurbulenceFD, an incredibly powerful fluid simulator that plugs right into CINEMA 4D, to create realistic smoke, fire, and explosions.

Want to jump right in? Check out the “Quick Start” chapter for short lessons on creating containers and emitters and rendering your simulation.

From there, the course explores every aspect of TurbulenceFD in depth, including its solver and timing settings, forces, channels, and emitter options.

Along the way, Ben includes some practical and fun examples.

By the end of this course you’ll be confident using Turbulence FD and creating your own awesome smoke and fire effects.

课程主要内容:Setting up containers and cachesStarting and stopping simulationsChoosing channels to simulateChanging the feel of your simulation with timing adjustmentsAffecting particle motion with velocityAdding detail and randomness with turbulenceInfluencing simulations with channelsAdjusting emitter propertiesPreviewing effects in the viewportDeveloping your look with shadersRendering simulations


C4D流体插件TFD基础全面教程 Lynda – TurbulenceFD for CINEMA 4D Essential Training的图片1

发布日期: 2014-11-04