ZBrush布料模型制作教程 Gumroad – Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko将Marvelous Designer制作好的衣服布料模型导入到ZBrush中,然后学习如果正确的去处理布料模型,包括衣服各种细节的添加雕刻、Mari和Substance Painter软件置换纹理的制作等A video tutorial about sculpting clothes in ZBrush.
Tips and tricks in ZBrush to make your clothes look alive and wornPractical ways of sculpting a wide range of materials and fabrics in ZBrushDisplacement painting techniques in Mari and Substance Painter to add another level of believability to your sculptThe importance of clean topology to help you achieve the most accurate resultsReal-world examples and discussion; become familiar with Marvelous Designer limitations, learn to recognise common shortcomings and how to fix them
发布日期: 2020-12-9