CG数据库 >> 卡通MG动画人物场景制作AE教程(德语英文字幕) Domestika

卡通MG动画人物场景制作AE教程(德语英文字幕) Domestika – Animation Techniques with 3D Effects in After Effects By Moncho MasséAE中阶教程,讲解AE中制作MG动画卡通人物,包括人物的动画、身体的旋、场景的制作等3D animation is usually linked to 3D animation programs such as Maya or Cinema 4D, although this depth effect can be created with other softwares.

The illustrator and animator Moncho Massé uses Adobe After Effects to create his funny animations to which he often adds a three-dimensional effect.

发布日期: 2020-12-16