CG数据库 >> Houdini程序化三维自然环境制作教程 Creating Procedural Environments in Gaea and Houdini

Houdini程序化三维自然环境制作教程 Creating Procedural Environments in Gaea and Houdini3个半小时的视频教程中,会讲解Gaea软件中制作各种效果的地形,然后将贴图数据导入到Houdini中,进行场景灯光的制作,摄像机动画,阿诺德渲染等In this 3.

5-hour workshop, Rasha demonstrates how to create geometry using various erosion and warp techniques in Gaea, as well as how to pull data to help create textures and data maps for assets.

She shares how to export textures and maps into Houdini for the lookdev and lighting stage, and reveals how to establish the look, lighting setup, and cameras for the environment in Houdini.

The renders are set up in Arnold for the ultimate final look.

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发布日期: 2020-12-18