CG数据库 >> 神话场景图片素材合成PS教程 PSDBox – Create An Advanced Mythological Fantasy Manipulation In Photoshop

神话场景图片素材合成PS教程 PSDBox – Create An Advanced Mythological Fantasy Manipulation In在PS中通过各种图片素材来合成一个神话场景,包括背景的制作、粒子笔刷的使用、图层混合模式、人物的修饰、多种元素细节的添加等Mythology has always been a great source of inspiration for beautiful manipulations especially fantasy ones.

In this advanced tutorial I will show you how I created an advanced mythological fantasy manipulation based on the Greek mythology of the goddess of victory, Nike.

Create the backgroundCreate particles with a custom brushBackground editing using Camera RAWIntegrating the model and retouchCreate the energy effectThe Ritual Circle – Using the Text ToolPost-production edits

发布日期: 2020-12-22