CG数据库 >> C4D实拍视频三维元素特效合成教程 Motion Design School

C4D实拍视频三维元素特效合成教程 Motion Design School – AR Trip给自己的视频视频,添加三维动态元素,包括在PFtrack中对视频进行跟踪反求、C4D中模型动画的制作以及跟踪合成、Octane渲染器里真实灯光的设置等In this masterclass, you’ll learn how to make some magic in your filmed footage.

If you’re, like me, always dreaming about creating something beautiful and different, and want all these things to become “almost” real, this masterclass for you.

After completing it you’ll know how to spice up any video with your imagination.

You’ll learn the basic techniques of creating different Augmented Reality videos.

We’ll cover different aspects of workflow: advanced tracking in PFtrack, setting up the model and then animating it, adjusting the realistic light in Octane render, and also making some simple simulations in Cinema 4D.

发布日期: 2020-12-26