CG数据库 >> ZBrush猩猩骷髅头建模教程 Artstation – Mechanical Skull – Michael Pavlovich

ZBrush猩猩骷髅头建模教程 Artstation – Mechanical Skull – Michael Pavlovich11个小时的视频教程,讲解ZBrush中黑猩猩骷髅头雕刻建模的整个步骤,也会用到Maya、HeadUs等一些其他辅助软件We start by using 2D reference to help us make a gorilla skull in ZBrush, turn that into a mechanical version using a variety of techniques, from sculpting to SubD modeling, booleans, alphas, and more! From there we create a “game res” showing a variety of overlapping techniques using ZBrush, Maya, and HeadUs (although most techniques are transferable to your 3D package of choice).

While doing this we discuss best practices for UV seams and vertex costs, balancing fidelity with optimization, and finally end up in Marmoset Toolbag to discuss baking mesh maps.

发布日期: 2020-12-31