CG数据库 >> 3DS MAX + Substance Painter模型场景桥接插件 Substance Painter Ultimate Bridge v1.4

3DS MAX + Substance Painter模型场景桥接插件 Substance Painter Ultimate Bridge v1.4Substance Painter Ultimate Bridge插件可以将3DS MAX的模型和贴图材质桥接导入到Substance Painter中,也支持Vray, Corona Render, Arnold, RedShift等渲染器,选择导出标准贴图、自动展开、选择OBJ或者FBX格式等Shater Studio has announced Substance Painter Ultimate Bridge, a new script for exporting objects, textures and materials between 3ds Max and Substance Painter.

It supports Vray, Corona Render, Arnold, and RedShift.

When exporting users have options to assigning standard materials for export, auto unwrap, export either OBJ or FBX, and assign high poly id random colors for masking.

安装步骤:拷贝MacroScripts和scripts文件夹到3DS MAX安装目录即可,比如C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 20XX\重启3DS MAX,在自定义用户界面里可以找到ShaterStudio

发布日期: 2021-1-4