CG数据库 >> AE制作激光镭射枪战特效 Lynda – VFX Techniques Creating a Laser Battle

AE制作激光镭射枪战特效 Lynda – VFX Techniques Creating a Laser Battle在科幻电影中经常出现的枪战特效,激光镭射效果,制作激光光束,火星和破坏点,主要用到AE的粒子, roto,跟踪,调色,镜头模糊等Creating a Laser Battle shows VFX artists how to generate science-fiction-style gun battles, complete with laser beams, sparks, and set damage.

The effects are created right inside After Effects, with its built-in particle tools, rotoscoping, motion tracking, and color, distortion, and blur effects.

Combining these techniques in your own shots will allow you to create a wide variety of futuristic gun blasts.

教程主要知识点:Running particle simulations to create beams and sparksAltering the beams with distortion, blur, and color effectsCreating interactive lighting through masking and color gradingCreating set damage by rotoscoping and integrating matte paintingsAnimating post camera movesMatching effects through multiple shots


AE制作激光镭射枪战特效 Lynda – VFX Techniques Creating a Laser Battle的图片1

发布日期: 2014-11-08