Houdini着色器全面教程 Cgforge – Shading Techniques 1/2/3包含全部三套教程,通过实例场景教程来全面讲解Houdini中着色器的使用,包括各种材质的制作、redshift渲染器的使用等Shading Techniques I is the first course in a series that revolves around learning the foundational techniques behind texturing and shading.
The workflows presented in part I focus on tri-planar projections, material assignments, and sourcing textures.
Redshift is being used for rendering, but it doesn’t matter if you’re using a different render engine because all the main principles still apply.
In addition, we also have the wizard tower scene to practice with! This environment is designed to include a wide variety of texturing challenges and opportunities.
Along the way, you’ll learn about how to manage large scenes, work professionally within a pipeline, and make the most of your time through intelligent decision-making.
发布日期: 2021-1-14