CG数据库 >> 影视色彩光线调色理论教程 FXPHD – GRD201: The Craft of Color Grading

影视色彩光线调色理论教程 FXPHD – GRD201: The Craft of Color Grading里面主要是讲解调色的原理,让大家尽可能不受软件的束缚,讲解了影视调色中的一些基本原则,同时也教大家作者自己最喜欢的色彩分级The goal of GRD201 is to tap Leffel’s and the other colorist’s years of experience from both a creative standpoint as well as a practical standpoint.

So we’ll not only be covering how to make beautiful imagery, but also things such as how to deal with the often-conflicting viewpoints of dealing with divergent views from clients.

They’ll also be sharing some of their favorite grades they’ve seen from movies and other projects and critically breaking them down and speaking about why they feel it’s top work.

影视色彩光线调色理论教程 FXPHD – GRD201: The Craft of Color Grading的图片1

发布日期: 2014-11-12