CG数据库 >> 创意森林别墅建筑场景3D模型 Evermotion – Archexteriors Vol. 32 (3DS MAX格式)

创意森林别墅建筑场景3D模型 Evermotion – Archexteriors Vol. 32 (3DS MAX格式)Archexteriors vol. 32包含1个完整的大自然创意风格建筑室外3D模型,包含5个设置好的摄像机镜头,3DS MAX格式,Vray渲染器+Forest Pack 5.4,包含贴图Archexteriors vol.

32 is a collection that includes a scene of a modern house in the forest and an extra scene with materials ready to use in your projects.

There are 5 cameras in the scene.


发布日期: 2021-3-9