Blender个性化卡通三维渲染教程 Gumroad – Create Stylized 3D Art in Blender By Creative Shrimp在Blender中渲染抽象个性化三维卡通效果,包括低多边形模型的出来,像素化渲染等Learn how to create amazing stylized and non-photorealistic 3D art in Blender 2.
Non-photorealistic rendering or NPR is a whole world by itself! From Pixar-style or ‘Into the Spiderverse’-style rendering to low-poly aesthetics or pixel art, there are so many ways to express yourself by creating stylized 3D assets and scenery.
No need to spend a lifetime learning the NPR ways though.
We condensed the principles and techniques of creating stylized 3D into this 12+ hour training for beginner-intermediate Blender users.
发布日期: 2021-5-5