CG数据库 >> 扁平化图形MG动画AE教程 Udemy – Making a Flat Motion Graphics Project

扁平化图形MG动画AE教程 Udemy – Making a Flat Motion Graphics Project主要讲解AE图形层动画,包括简单和复杂的图形动画、动力学效果、图层交互、3D图层、牛顿插件使用等This course includes tribal techniques: making flat design items with a shape layer, method of animating Ayatollah scenes, creating soft and complex animation, method of making dynamic items in flat style, effects used in this style, morph Flat-style items, shape integration, 3D shape making, human animation, Newton plug-in, advanced Stroke sand

发布日期: 2021-8-2