CG数据库 >> C4D无限循环钟摆动画教程 Envato Tutsplus

C4D无限循环钟摆动画教程 Envato Tutsplus – Create an Oddly Satisfying Pendulum Animation in Cinema 4D在C4D中制作一个让人舒畅的无限循环钟摆动画,包含场景的建模、材质、动画和渲染输出等“Create an Oddly Satisfying Pendulum Animation in Cinema 4D” is a course for 3D artists and animators who are interested in motion graphics.

Topics we will cover include how to manipulate shapes, create textures, animation, and rendering in Cinema 4D.

We’ll take you through the step-by-step process of how to create an oddly satisfying animation inspired by the works of Andreas Wannerstedt.

发布日期: 2021-8-15