CG数据库 >> Maya 2022全面基础入门教程(英文字幕) Skillshare – Introduction to Animation in Maya 2022

Maya 2022全面基础入门教程(英文字幕) Skillshare – Introduction to Animation in Maya 2022从Maya的基本操作开始,从经典的案例小球弹跳动画到一些稍微复杂的比如循环走路动画、身体控制等,全面讲解Maya 2022的使用方法I will start the class by teaching you the basics of animation in Maya, we will explore some of the most classical exercises like the bouncing Ball and the Pendulum Swing to understand some core concepts.

We will then jump into more advancer animations like a Walk Cycle, Body Mechanics and even a combat animation.

I have designer this class for students who wants to learn the basics of the animation world inside of Maya.

发布日期: 2021-8-23