CG数据库 >> Modo硬面建模教程 Artstation – Hard-Surface Masters Vol.1 with Mathew O´Halloran

Modo硬面建模教程 Artstation – Hard-Surface Masters Vol 1 with Mathew O´Halloran7个小时的视频教程,讲解在Modo软件做科幻硬面模型建模,包括建模的整个流程步骤,也会导入到Unreal Engine 4种进行场景合成In this tutorial Mathew O’Halloran takes you through his process of creating a real time military drone from start to finish, the main tutorial is about 7 hours long and a couple technique specific mini tutorials are also included.

In the tutorial software such as Modo and Unreal engine 4 is used but please feel free to follow along using your preferred tools, as most techniques usually transfers well to other software.

发布日期: 2021-10-17