CG数据库 >> 胶片滤镜数码光效模拟插件基础教程 Lynda-Up and Running with Tiffen DFX

胶片滤镜数码光效模拟插件基础教程 Lynda-Up and Running with Tiffen DFXTiffen Dfx能够模拟超过2000种数码镜头光效,胶片滤镜效果,轻松添加大片或者老电影效果,支持AE/PS/Pr/OFX等系列软件,对摄影和相片爱好者来说是十分专业的软件Tiffen Dfx offers a suite of professional tools for both photographers and videographers.

You can repair images using techniques that mirror traditional filters and gels, and you can digitally relight video in post for dramatic or subtle effects.

In this course Richard Harrington covers workflows for both photo and video assets.

Learn how to work with Tiffen’s extensive collection of filters, virtual lights, film stock, and presets, and start giving your images and footage the kind of treatments you never thought were possible outside of the studio.

胶片滤镜数码光效模拟插件基础教程 Lynda-Up and Running with Tiffen DFX的图片1

发布日期: 2014-12-12