CG数据库 >> Siemens Simcenter FloTHERM Suite 2019.1 x64

全球领先的热分析FloTHERM Suite 2019.1发布!FloTHERM使工程师能创建电子设备的虚拟模型,执行热分析,并在物理样品制造之前快速便捷地测试设计修改。

FloTHERM 是用高级 CFD 技术,预测器件、印刷电路板以及整个系统的气流、温度和传热。

凭借98%的用户推荐等级,FloTHERM无可争议地被称为全球电子热分析的领导者,拥有的用户、应用实例、模型库以及出版的技术文章比所有其它产品都多…………File size: 1.9 GBFloTHERM uses advanced CFD techniques to predict airflow, temperature, and heat transfer in components, boards, and complete systems, including racks and data centers.

It’s also the industry’s best solution for integration with MCAD and EDA software.

FloTHERM is the undisputed world leader for electronics thermal analysis, with a 98 percent user recommendation rating.

It supports more users, application examples, libraries and published technical papers than any competing product.

Accelerated Thermal Design WorkflowFloTHERM integrates with popular MCAD and EDA tools.

Its XML import capability simplifies building and solving models, post-processing results automatically.

FloTHERM’s automatic sequential optimization and DoE capabilities reduces the time it takes to reach optimized design, allowing it to be deeply embedded in the design flow.

Robust Meshing and Fast SolverFloTHERM lets engineers focus on design, delivering the most accurate results possible within engineering timescales.

Its SmartParts and structured-Cartesian method offers the fastest solution time per grid cell.

The FloTHERM “localized-grid” technique supports integrally matched, nested, non-conformal grid interfaces between different parts of the solution domain.

Usability and Intelligent Thermal ModelsIntegral model checking in FloTHERM lets users see which objects have attached material, the power attached to every object, and corresponding assembly-level power dissipation.

It also identifies whether the object is creating a mesh line.

FloTHERM SmartParts represent ICs to full racks of electronics from a large list of suppliers, streamlining model creation to minimize solve times and maximize solution accuracy.

Thermal Characterization and Analysis from Component to SystemCombine FloTHERM with T3Ster transient thermal characterization for thermal simulation of real-world electronics.

Since reliability of components can decrease exponentially due to heat problems, using T3Ster lets manufacturers design chips, ICs, and PCBs of superior thermal performance.

They can also publish reliable thermal data for downstream applications.

Now FloTHERM can convert a simulated transient thermal response into a structure function curve using the same mathematical process utilized by T3Ster.

These structure function curves are known to correlate with the physical structure of the device, and are thus the ideal platform to compare simulation results with actual test data.

FloTHERM’s Command Center now provides automated calibration of the package thermal model to match the T3Ster results, ensuring the correct thermal response irrespective of the length of the power pulse.

Equipment manufacturers and systems integrators can now use calibrated models to design even more reliable products, avoiding thermally-induced failures throughout the product’s lifetime.

OS:• Windows 10 (Pro and Enterprise editions)• Windows 8 and 8.1 (Core, Pro and Enterprise editions)• Windows 7 (Business, Enterprise and Ultimate editions)Whats New:Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

Siemens Simcenter FloTHERM Suite 2019.1 x64的图片1
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