CG数据库 >> Pixelfront – Masterclass – Create An Atmospheric Environment

Duration 5h Project Files Included MP4Title: Pixelfront – Masterclass – Create An Atmospheric EnvironmentInfo:This course comes with a FREE Speed Tree modelling course worth £14.

99! ‘Create An African Acacia Tree in Speed Tree’.

You will learn how to create an African Acacia tree from scratch.

5 Hours of extensive training!————————————————————————–(This course requires access to speed trees African tree library. You will need the following tree packs below)Acacia Species PackDracaena Species PackBaobab: Field (Madagascar)Banyan: Forest————————————————————————–Build an asset library that can be used over and over again for different projectsImport our trees into Houdini for shadingCreate a fast terrain using Houdini heightfieldSet up our Redshift materials for the treesCreate the ivy using ivytaming v1 plugin for HoudiniSet up our Redshift materials for the ivyExport our assets as Redshift proxies for extreme speed and efficiencyScatter the Redshift proxies across our terrainPosition our hero treesCreate the volume fogCreate the cloudsAssign a basic volume shader to our volumesRenderFinish off with a quick grade in Nuke using Film ConvertIncluds the PAID speedtree models

Pixelfront – Masterclass – Create An Atmospheric Environment的图片1