CG数据库 >> Trimble Tekla Tedds 2019 SP3 21.3.0 With Enginnering Librarie

Tekla Tedds是一款面向工程建筑行业设计师打造的结构计算软件。

从事本行业的设计师应该知道计算结构、材料是一件非常严谨与繁琐的工作,但是有了这款软件,计算结构、材料就会变的很不一样哦!Tekla Tedds主要特性1、产生一致的文档。








为工程师自动化重复土木及结构计算此版本包括新功能和增强功能,可提高生产力和降低显著工程师花费计算,生产和相关文档的时间新的选择带来更多的灵活性,并进行了分析选择和挡土墙,基础和钢筋和混凝土梁既美国建筑规范和欧洲规范的设计综合计算,使工作方便,快捷,使用户使用荷载组合时,避免人为的错误可匹配公司的标准,包括自定义布局和标识的文档模板节省时间和提高演示x86,x64 | File Size: 724 MBDescription:Tekla Tedds powerful software for automating calculations and building construction.

Handheld computing time and working with spreadsheets (Spreadsheet) Forget boring, with Tedds all the things you can do automatically and in real time.

Comprehensive and extensive calculations, it is quick and easy and will prevent human errors.

Safes are ready to documents according to corporate standards such as letterhead and custom logo and saves a lot of time and improve the delivery of documents and will be reported.

This release requests valued customers and a lot of features and enhancements have been added to the program.

Facilities and software features of Tekla Tedds:-Access to a large range of library construction and development-Illustrated inputs and outputs in graphical form and live-Eliminating the need for software analysis / analysis of-The interface is simple and compelling-Ability to work with Microsoft Word (word) – a renowned software and documentation standards-Construction frameworks such as beams and skeletal analysis and …-Use only one solution for all common materials and components-Creating transparent calculations for Czech They simply-Compare the different options and rapid application design changes-Consistent and non-contradictory documentation-Improve the quality assurance process-Updated regularly and get the latest calculations and scripts-Writing, storage and distribution of custom calculations You-A range of powerful development tools-Reducing the risk of traditional computing methods-Update your calculations with just a push of a button-Share your knowledge of distributed computing and business.

-The notes and the various documentation projects-Customize level of detail when output-Various output formats including pdf-Archiving your calculations and store cards in a server-Linking parts of graphics computing section TeddsSystem Requirements:-OS:32-bit or 64bit Microsoft Windows 7 SP1/8.

1/10 Operating systems must be running the latest service packs / updates.

-CPU:Multi core Intel i3 Series or above, Xeon or AMD equivalent Highest affordable performance recommended.

-Memory:2GB Memory requirements are dependant on document content.

-Graphics:1920 x 1080 resolution 1GB or higher of dedicated RAM.

-Disk space:1GB or more of free space for installation.

Operational disk space requirements are highly dependant on model content.

-Internet connection: Required for access to Online Services and some documentation.

Microsoft Word: 32-bit or 64-bit of Microsoft Word 2010, 2013, 2016 or 2019.

-Microsoft Word needs to be fully service packed.

Important:If you are running a 64-bit version of Windows you will require both updates.

Trimble Tekla Tedds 2019 SP3 21.3.0 With Enginnering Librarie的图片1
Trimble Tekla Tedds 2019 SP3 21.3.0 With Enginnering Librarie的图片2