CG数据库 >> Ashampoo Cinemagraph 1.0.2 x64 Multilingual



当然,您可以使用 Photoshop 来制作动态图片,但是如果您用了 Ashampoo Cinemagraph 只需几分钟就能创建炫丽的动态图片………….

File Size: 99.4 MBCinemagraphs are eyecatchers on homepages and social media profiles! That’s because they’re different, being neither photos nor videos.

Cinemagraphs turn videos into still photos with subtle motion that feels like magic.

Sure, you can use Photoshop to create them, but why bother with expensive and complicated software when you can create dazzling cinemagraphs in just minutes with Ashampoo Cinemagraph?…….

Ashampoo Cinemagraph 1.0.2 x64 Multilingual的图片1