File Size: 823.4 MBPassword Changer is designed for resetting local administrators and users passwords on Windows operating system in case an Administrator’s password is forgotten or lost.
You don’t need to re-install and re-configure the operating system to log into Windows.
WithPassword Changer you can log in as an Administrator or a particular user with a blank password.
Password Changer also provides the ability to manage with during which days and times of the week that the user account is permitted to log on to the computer, which is useful for preventing the logging on for account you choose (or remove that kind of prohibition).
FEATURES:Recovers passwords from multiple partitionsRESETS ADMIN’S/USER’S PASSWORDPassword Changer software Detects SAM (Microsoft Security Databases)DETECTS/DISPLAYS ALLSAM FILESPassword Changer software Displays all local usersDISPLAYS ALL INFORMATIONPassword Changer software Resets User is Disabled flagDISABLE FORCE SMARTCARD LOGINPassword Changer and LiveCDULTIMATE PACKAGE WITHLINUX-BASEDPassword Changer software and Bootable Disk Creator for WindowsBOOTABLE DISK CREATOR FOR WINDOWS HOSTPassword Changer software Can run from bootable CD or USB FlashRUNNING FROM USBPassword Changer software supports for MBR/GPTSUPPORT FOR MBR/GPTPassword Changer software: FAT, exFAT, NTFS, HFS+ file systemsFAT, exFAT, NTFS, HFS+Password Changer software supports IDE SATA eSATA USB SSD SCSI disksIDE SATA eSATAUSB SSD SCSIPassword Changer software manages logon timeABILITY TO MANAGELOGON TIMEPassword Changer software supports old OSOLD OS SUPPORTED