CG数据库 >> IDM UEStudio

Ultraedit 功能甚为强大,许多用户已经将其作为 IDE 来使用并向我们提供了 Ultraedit 的一些特点来扩大其功能性。

于是,我们结合了这些特点,IDM 的理解和超动力 IDE 的概念来罗列 UESstudio’06 的一些特征。

如:集成 CVS 支持,内置类查看器,智能提示,工程转换,批量构建等。

UEStudio 是 UltraEdit 的开发环境版本,在软件开发、CVS 等方面功能强大。

基于 IDE (Integrated Development Environment 完整开发环境) 概念建立,是一个强力的程序设计平台。

File size: 206 MBIDM UEStudioUEStudio, all the features of UltraEdit plus the power of an IDE. UEStudio ’09 builds upon the highly acclaimed UltraEdit v14, but goes even further to bring you a must-see interface that offers stunning new functionality, as well as an array of powerful new features – such as an integrated PHP debugger, updated version control, and so much more… UEStudio ’09…Designed to transform the way you work!UEStudio is fast, stable, lightweight, and powerful and offers any UltraEdit user advanced programming functionality at a fantastic value!………….

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