界面简洁高效、功能强大全面支持 Github Flavored Markdown 语法如 TOC、Table、Fenced code block、LaTex、Task lists、Footnote 等。
原生的 OS X 应用MWeb 是原生的 OS X 应用,原生的应用运行速度更快,系统结合更完美,带来更好的写作体验!支持黑色主题、Typewriter Scrolling 写作模式。
还支持拖拽或粘贴插入图片和附件,首创的在编辑器内直接显示本地图片的功能,很好的解决了 Markdown 写作时必须在预览才能看到图片的问题。
为了提高 LaTex 公式的写作体验,MWeb 增加了在编辑器内实时预览 LaTex 公式的功能,非常好用。
MWeb | MacOSX | 8.6 MBMinimalistic text editor that supports the Markdown markup language, offers syntax highlighting, a night mode and multiple publishing options.
Pro Markdown writing* Minimal UI, Dark Mode, optimized lists indent,five editor themes.
* Markdown syntax and massive Markdown extensions Supported: Table, TOC, MathJax, Fenced code block and code syntax highlight, Task lists, Sequence & Flow chart, Footnote and more.
* Typewriter Scrolling: `View` – `Typewriter Scrolling`* Publish/Update to WordPress, Metaweblog API services, WordPress.
com, Evernote, 印象笔记, Blogger, Medium, Tumblr.
`Preferences` – `Publishing` to add publishing services.
Click top-right corner `Share Button` for publishing.
* Support six live preview themes.
Easy to custom preview theme.
All themes can export to HTML or PDF.
To open live preview window, please press `CMD + R` or `CMD + 4`.
* Export to RTF, Docx.
* Support Outline view.
External Mode and Library Mode1.
External Mode (CMD + E): This mode design for create, open external Markdown document.
You can add external folder to this mode.
Library Mode (CMD + L): This mode design for note taking and static blog/website generator.
Shortcuts `CMD + E` or `View` – `Open External` to open External Mode.
Shortcuts `CMD + L` or `View` – `Open Library` to open Library Mode.
External’s folder and Library documents are supported **Full Text Search**, drag & drop or paste photos to the editor and display.
`CMD + V` paste to JPG pictrue, `CMD + Shift + V` paste to PNG pictrue.
Library Mode for note takingLibrary Mode use categories tree to organize documents, support drag & drop or paste insert pictrue and display immediately.
Support import external Markdown or txt document to the library, export a category or documents to HTML, PDF or Markdown.
Compatibility:OS X 10.9 or later, 64-bit processor–.zip