CG数据库 >> Rhinoceros 6.20.19323 MacOS

Rhinoceros是以NURBS 为理论基础的 3D造模软件,可以建立、编辑、分析及转译 NURBS,以直线、圆弧、圆圈、正方型等基本数学 2D图形来做仿真,所以可以有较小的档案,非常适合运用于教育学习、游戏设计及工业设计领域。


其设计团队是原ALIAS Design Studio设计程序师,其Beta测试版即推出以来,历经一年半的测试,是有历以来态度最严谨的网上测试。

它能轻易整合3DS MAX 与Softimage的模型功能部分,对要求精细、弹性与复杂的3D NURBS模型,有点石成金的效能。

能输出obj、DXF、IGES、STL、3dm等不同格式,并适用于几乎所有3D软件,尤其对增加整个3D工作团队的模型生产力有明显效果,故使用3D MAX、AutoCAD、MAYA、Softimage、Houdini、Lightwave等3D设计人员不可不学习使用。

Language: Multilingual | File size: 391 MBВRhinoceros – Versatile 3D modeler.

Rhinoceros can create, edit, analyze, document, render, animate, and translate NURBS* curves, surfaces, and solids, point clouds, and polygon meshes.

There are no limits on complexity, degree, or size beyond those of your hardware.

Special features include:– Uninhibited free-form 3-D modeling tools like those found only in products costing 20 to 50 times more.

Model any shape you can imagine.

– Accuracy needed to design, prototype, engineer, analyze, and manufacture anything from an airplane to jewelry.

– Compatibility with all your other design, drafting, CAM, engineering, analysis, rendering, animation, and illustration software.

– Read and repair meshes and extremely challenging IGES files.

– Accessible.

So easy to learn and use that you can focus on design and visualization without being distracted by the software.

– Fast, even on an ordinary laptop computer.

No special hardware is needed.

– Affordable.

Ordinary hardware.

Short learning curve.

Affordable purchase price.

No maintenance fees.

Release Notes• Faster display using modern graphics hardware• Updated Material and Rendering system• Grasshopper updated with multi-threaded components, Kangaroo 2, and more• Raytraced viewport display mode• Faster, cleaner Make2D with more customizable results• Other new features and enhancements found in Rhino 6Supported Operation Systems:macOS 10.13 or later 64-bit

Rhinoceros 6.20.19323 MacOS的图片1